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Thursday, December 19, 2013

How Can a Blind Man Hunt Ducks?

Recently Phil Robertson, one of the stars of the television show Duck Dynasty, has been getting a lot of publicity because of his statements about race and homosexuality. His statements about homosexuality are getting the most note, but his statements about race relations in the days of Jim Crow are so purely ignorant as to deserve pity. I suspect that Phil has always had "colored" friends and he probably has homosexual friends (the term "gay" suggests that homosexual men prance around giggling, just as the term "faggot" suggests that all gay men work as night-club singers). I also suspect that he would be appalled by some of the very-unChristian hate expressed by some of his supporters.

It should be pointed out that none of the teachings of Jesus express any anti-homosexual bias and that there are some passages of the New Testament that seem to allow for homosexuals to be members of Christian churches. A few months ago I saw an article referring to the "Queen James" bible and passages which seem to allow for homosexual couples to be church members. So much other stuff is on the web now about this translation that I haven't been able to find the article that I remember.

I suspect that the reaction on both sides of the  issue is out of proportion to the man and his statement.  I believe his statements on race deserve more attention. I was in Louisiana during Jim Crow days, as well as several different parts of the South. I can assure you that "black" people were not happier. His black friends didn't complain to him because he was white. They didn't want to be hung from the nearest tree and probably didn't want to see him suffer from the wrath of racist groups. In the early 70's I had an older black man talk about how when he was younger he would visit white friends. He would go to their back door so that he wouldn't be lynched and his friend's house burnt down.

I am sure that many homosexuals support the right of the man to express his views, even though they disagree with at least most of what he said. Perhaps the debate will be healthy.

I also would like to mention the recent extreme reaction to Paula Deen's admission that about 30 years ago she had used the "N word" after being robbed at gunpoint by a black person. Notice that all the complaints came from "white" people. I would classify myself as  "liberal", but I am embarrassed by the reaction. Most of the black people I know would have used the same term and don't blame her. The question is "how does she behave today?".

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