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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Soon to Come: Einstein was Not a Rationalist

I will have the rest of the Bicycle post very soon, but I had to make a little money.  While doing some stuff on a forum, I came across some people actually trying to defend rationalism and claiming that Einstein was a rationalist. Flat-Earthers are Rationalists.  Einstein openly rejected rationalism. Euclidean geometry fails on molecular scales, far less than cosmological scales (see my post about the value of Pi), and will not even work on laboratory scales with accurate enough measuring devices.  I will have a more thorough post soon on the subject.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Biking For God And Earth Part One

       I have decided to do this post in two parts'

                                                      Part One

       Bicycles can be used for many purposes. Apparently bike users in third world countries can often carry incredibly large amounts of freight for commerce on bicycles, and are able to carry passengers, groceries, and perform super-human feats. Here in America many people think of bicycles as toys for children, toys for "green" activists, and transportation for people who cannot drive (such as alcoholics and mentally disabled people).  The fact is that there are many other people who can and do use bicycles (and adult tricycles). Let's examine the uses for bicycles.

1.        Practical Uses

  •   Commuting to Work  
     If you live a reasonable distance from work, using a bicycle can save money, provide healthy exercise, make a valuable contribution towards saving our environment, and perhaps save commuting time. Often it is easier to park a bicycle. You may need to lobby for a bike rack. Weather can be a concern, and you may need to be concerned about changing clothing.
        Frequently commuter parking lots are far from where you may work. When I was in Grad school at the University of Florida the parking lot was about a mile from my office.  I had a bike rack on my car and biked to my office and around the campus and town.  Some people use folding bikes for this hybrid commuting.

  • Shopping

      A quick trip to the store might be quicker and healthier on a bike. However, you cannot carry as much on a bike as you can on a car. Adult trikes tend to have greater cargo capacity. If you plan on doing much shopping on a bike, be sure to choose a bicycle with carrying capacity. Rear saddle bags are useful. Systems with detachable baskets are available and can be detached when you have other uses in mind for your bike. Front baskets that are detachable are also available. Remember those third-world bikers I mentioned? It is possible to carry rather large loads on a bike. Look for cargo nets to help keep stuff in place. Cargo trailers are also available.

  • Carrying Kids 

      If you need to carry small children, get a pull along trailer. This is the safe way to carry children using a bike. The trailer can also be used for shopping. Don't forget to protect your children from sunshine and weather. Be aware of traffic. Don't forget that this is very precious cargo.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Congrats to Female UAE Fighter Pilot

I just have to put in a few quick words of congratulation to Major Mariam al-Mansouri of the UAE Air Force for her role in leading a bombing mission against ISIS.  This is a direct blow to the ego of these sick monsters.  I applaud the UAE for its wisdom and attitude. Shove it down their throat.  Send her to bomb some Taliban while they are at it.
   Bicycle blog post almost done. look for it, big article.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Post on Bicycles

I have been a little under the weather again, probably as a result of blood pressure medication.  I am trying to go back to using exercise and diet to regulate my blood pressure, and hope to not be sleeping 18 to 20 hours a day. I also write on forums and do freelance content writing.  I just joined a forum on bicycling in Southern Illinois ( I live in Florida) and have decided that it is time to write a post on bicycling, as I have been promising for several months.  Should be ready in a day or two. Keep watching.

I also want to comment on the lunacy of letting little children fire full automatic weapons, and how evil ISIS is.