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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Why I Speak of President as "Donald"

   Just very quickly I want to make clear that when I speak of the current president as "Donald" I am using the convention of referring to a child by first name.  Yes, that is the basis of the Old South  practice of referring to some people (colored folk, for instance) by first name.  Yes, "white trash" was also spoken to that way.  And I have repeatedly said that the Trump family gives "white trash" a bad name.
    I know some very good people (such as Partons) who give "white trash" a good name.  I was raised to NOT use that convention, except in circumstances where it would risk lives of good people.  One older "black" man once told me how he went to the back door when visiting white friends so that he wouldn't get lynched and his friend's house get burnt down.

Sagan, Einstien, and Me on Atheism

   One thing I have become aware of is that self styled atheists use different definitions of atheism depending on to whom they are talking.  I agree with both Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein on defining an atheist as a person who believes that there is no god (god in the very broad sense).  Einstein ( had an early Catholic education, despite being Jewish.  He said that a Jesuit priest would consider him to be an atheist, since they considered anyone not Catholic to be an atheist. (
   Specifically, I use the widely understood meaning of atheist as a person who believes that there is no god.  An agnostic is a person who claims to not know.  The phrase "'agnostic atheist" is an oxymoron.  "An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid."