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Saturday, September 7, 2013

What Is Content Writing and How Does it Relate to the Hygiene Hypothesis?

   I just finished writing an article for a blog for a company called Pure Citizen which is a marketing site for products which are either organic, free of synthetic chemicals, or at least ethically produced and marketed. The article I just wrote was about organic kid's clothing. It seems I had to discuss the hygiene hypothesis. Wikipedia seems to think this is a fairly new topic. Hahnemann pretty much laid out the concept about two hundred years ago.
   The hygiene hypothesis ( I believe it used to be called the hygienic hypothesis) first began to be a mainstream concept when the polio epidemic arose. Polio was a common mild disease for thousands of years. Before modern sewage practices were developed everyone was exposed to very mild versions of polio at a very young age. Kinda sounds like the Sabin vaccine dispensed by God/nature/whatever name. God knows his name and how you may pronounce it. After modern sewage systems were developed the natural communal immunity to polio vanished and virulent strains developed.
   The human immune system developed in an environment filled with potential pathogens which the immune system readily handles. If a child is not exposed to enough of these it may become unable to respond properly to other substances and may also turn its attention to its own body. Allergies and auto-immune diseases may result.  Folk-lore has "Mommy's Babies" more prone to asthma.
   Expect more on this subject.

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