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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Why Jesus was a Liberal

  I have recently become very tired of hearing right-wingers speaking of Liberals when they  have no idea of what a Liberal is.  The best statements of Liberal ideas can be found in  the teachings of Jesus and in the Declaration of Independence. Liberals respect ALL people, conservatives respect the rich and powerful.  Remember, George Bush sr. had to invent the concept of "compassionate conservatism".
  In Matthew 25:31 ff Jesus said that "all nations" would be gathered before Him one day, and would be divided into two groups.  To one group He would say "I know you.  When I was hungry, you fed Me.  When I was naked, you clothed Me". To the other group He said "When I was hungry, you did not feed Me."
   To both He basically said that He was the "least significant " person, and how they treated the "least significant" person was how they treated Him.  If you tell a starving person to a"get a job", that is Jesus who you are telling to "get a job".  And remember,  they probably would rather be able to get a job.
    A few years ago (during the early 1970s) an experiment was done in which a number of people were given copies of the Declaration of Independence and asked to read it.  Many people (here in America) declared that it was "communist trash".   It contains such radical ideas as "consent of the governed" and "all men (persons) are created equal."

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