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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Citizen's United , a True Misnomer

Once more we are hearing from the right-wing corporate lap-dog  organization called "Citizens United", a right-wing (more properly, Reich-wing) political action group funded primarily by the infamous Koch Brothers.  Yes, I realize that I put my life in jeopardy by criticizing these people, but I have, on several occasions, taken a solemn vow to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".
   The Supreme Court of the United States has made a few serious blunders in it's history, and the current right-wing dominated court made one of the most serious in the history of the court when it flew in the face of the intent of our Founding Fathers by not only granting PERSONHOOD to corporations, but giving them unlimited political power by allowing corporations to spend unrestricted amounts of money on political propaganda.  Joseph Goebbels would be proud, and the organization so misnamed  as  "Citizens United" seems to be reveling in the prospect of being free to further the aims of fascism in America.  My father fought in WWII to keep fascism out of America, yet here it is.  Many Americans are alarmed by the rise of fascism in America, and we see a current emphasis on limiting the militarization of our police forces with the creation of SS style strike forces masquerading as emergency response units (SWAT units).  Small towns that may need such a force every half-century now have ill-trained units with lots of fancy, expensive, and dangerous weapons that they really want to use
   The true citizens (HUMAN) of our country have the opportunity to become united in repealing this wholly un-American court ruling. A proposed constitutional amendment would do that.  Last year the Senate approved a proposed amendment, but that seems to have died in the water, since the House refused to consider it even though it would have passed with an overwhelming bipartisan vote.  We now have to hope for a movement to force the issue, hopefully by returning the control of congress to the people rather than corporations and a hand-full of robber barons.  There is a movement to call for a constitutional convention, but we can hope that such a movement will result in pressure on Congress to act.  Perhaps enough people will vote in the next election to return control of Congress to the electorate.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Boston Jury Rewards Tsarnaev With Martyrdom, Lowers America to Barbaric Standards

   The Federal jury in Boston hearing the penalty phase of the trial of Dzokhar Tsarnaev, the admitted second member of the brother team of terrorists who carried out the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings,  has awarded him with martyrdom status, while simultaneously lowering the status of the United States to that of third-world, uncivilized nations.  In fact, the United States continues to embarrass itself by trailing only China, Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia in number of executions, and ranked ahead of Yemen and the Sudan.

   As a Christian, I note that the other nations in the same category are not Christian in any way, shape, or form.  Although the U.S. is supposed to be secular, there is no secret (note the dates on both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) to the fact that we are supposed to be founded on Christian principles.  Jesus stated clearly that only a sinless person can be an executioner, and even He (the only sinless person) refused to be an executioner.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Florida Pain Patients Suffer Prescription Shortages

  Florida's ill conceived crack-down on lax pain prescription laws has had the result of making genuine pain patients suffer.  My elder son was in two auto accidents in recent years, neither of which was his fault.   In fact, one accident occurred when a drunk driver was fleeing another accident while being chased by police. That driver received a prison sentence.

   For a number of years my son  was on tramadol (along with a number of other medications).  His new physician changed his prescription because of concerns about seizures.  The new laws in Florida have made it virtually impossible to get his prescription filled.

   A few months back I was in an automobile accident (I was on a bicycle and was hit by a Deputy pulling out of a side street).  I suffered a whiplash type of injury, and will be in pain until I die.  I was given one prescription for tramadol, but have been told that I will have to rely on Naproxin from now on.  I have found that one 375MG Naproxin and 1 tramadol 50MG per day controls my pain (I am only in pain when up and particularly when at my computer writing, which is my job these days).  I have run out of tramadol, so now I have to rely on Naproxin, and will need to up my dose.  That will put me at risk for stomach problems (any nsaid causes that risk).  I may try supplementing it with Acetaminophen.  My son cannot take Acetaminophen on a regular basis due to liver concerns. I just took a 500MG Acetaminophen and need to take my Naproxen, so I will see how that works.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, my nomination for the World's Sweetheart

Some More Justice for the World's Sweetheart, Malala Yousafzai. Maybe

   News comes from Pakistan that 10 men have been given life sentences for the shooting of schoolgirl Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai.  Secrecy surrounding the court cases and the fact that the person accused of issuing the order for the assassination attempt was not included in the trails leads to some doubts as to how much justice has been reached in this case. There were two other girls injured in the same attack.  All three young ladies were moved to England for medical treatment, and continue their education there.
   I just want to say, with all possible respect, that I personally find myself having a bit of a grandfatherly crush on this lovely young woman.  She has shown incredible strength of spirit and a beautiful personality.  And she is cute, which really shouldn't matter. I hope that she continues to have a public role of the quality she has had thus far.

   To tell you the truth, I have a fantasy of the culprits being moved to a prison here in the U.S., being put into the general population, and allowed to interact with prisoners here who know what they have done.  And , of course, the guards being busy elsewhere.

   At the same time this news has come out, reports from Nigeria tell  us that several hundred women and children have been freed from Boko Haram .  This is not only good news, it is appropriate that the news comes at the same time as the news about the sentences for the people involved in the assault on Malala, since she was outspoken last year when Boko Haram kidnapped a group of over 200 young girls in Nigeria from a school.  Boko Haram is noted for their opposition to education, especially of women.

   I am not an expert on Islam, nor do I agree with many of the tenets of the religion.  However, I do know that true Islam (especially the Sunni denomination) strongly encourages the education of women.  We hear these groups (boko haram, Isil, Al-quaeda, and the taliban, et cetera ) referred to as fundamentalists.  Most groups referred to as fundamentalists are anything but.  I can particularly speak as to fundamental Christianity, and have written on the subject repeatedly on the internet.  If I haven.t already made a post on this blog, I will soon.