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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Difficulties of Writing Content

One of the things I do to try to earn a few bucks is to write for hire what is called content writing.  Today I wrote a short article about a very self-centered young fellow who is an investment banking analyst. He has on the internet a bunch of self-aggrandizing articles and articles about how to write a resume without saying anything about your character (or lack of it), and advice about the importance of knowing how to tie a neck-tie.and having a firm handshake.  I suspect that if he were to watch A Thousand Clowns he would see the final scene as one of triumph. He is currently back in school working on an MBA at a prestigious business school  There is an article on the Internet from a rape-victim at that school about him and how the school covered up his rape of her.  After all, he is a successful investment banker.  He will probably find out about the receiving end of the experience if he stays in his business.

I am not posting names or enough information to lead to the people involved.  I hope I was able to sneak a few jabs past the person paying for this article (It is probably him.) Even if the article is rejected I will feel good about my attempt. (the article was accepted)

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