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Saturday, November 22, 2014
Just What is PC?
I just wrote a comment on a forum about the concept of "PC", otherwise known as political correctness. PC is a term bandied about by Reich-wingers to refer to what they fantasize to be concepts that people who don't agree with their rightthink ideology try to restrict the "press" to allowing to be discussed. (I do want to mention that not all right-wingers are Reich-wingers, just as not all Liberals are Christians) I was following up on the concept that vilifying Christians is a P C concept. I pointed out that there are very few places in America where a person can be elected to office by being openly anti-Christian, at least in word. Of course, many people love the title "Christian" while hating the teachings of the Christ, Jesus. Many people claim to be Christian while believing that poor people should not be helped, except perhaps to tell them to get a non-existent job, even if they are physically or mentally unable to work. There are actually people who want to make feeding homeless people a crime. I am unashamed to admit that I am a Christian and know that the Bible says that the homeless person in question is Jesus. (see Matthew 25:31ff)
The topic came up in a discussion about a homeowners' association trying to ban a resident who is a veteran from flying an American Flag. I also proceeded to rant about home-owners' associations in communities composed of rows of ticky-tacky little boxes. Think of Logan's Run, We, etc.
I also mentioned Platonic geometry. This refers to an exaggerated version of what is commonly known as Euclidean Geometry. Platonic geometry is a Rationalist concept that ascribes reality to the ideal shapes of Euclidean geometry, The only problem with that is the fact that they cannot exist in this Universe except as an approximation. The geometry of the real world is fractal and restricted by both General Relativity and Quantum Physics, I suppose that there may actually be a unified field theory, but it is quite possible that only God can handle the math.
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