Donald Trump, Presidential candidate and professional blowhard, has now become a major recruiter for the Islamicist terror group Daesh (also known as ISIL). It is likely that he did not intend to do so, but he probably does not care. By introducing irrational Islamophobia as a major shibboleth in American right wing politics, he has driven countless impressionable people into the pool of potential anti-American terrorists.
One potential benefit of his hate-mongering has been the reaction ofmain-stream Republicans. We again see Republicans behaving as if they are Americans first of all. For far too long we have seen Republicans behaving like the pre-WWII Republicans who thought Hitler was a cool guy, or trying to dis-enfranchise any person who was not a far right radical Republican. Perhaps this will result in a rebirth of Americanism at its best.
One potential benefit of his hate-mongering has been the reaction of
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