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Thursday, November 26, 2020
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Election Day 2020
Today is election day. I voted by mail on the earliest possible day. I checked and my ballot has been received and verified. I wanted to be certain that I had voted to preserve our democracy. I am old enough to remember when Eisenhower was elected. I have seen many critical elections, but I have NEVER seen one so filled with hate and the potential of violence, including the ones during the Vietnam war and following the removal of Nixon. I know that the military threatened to deliver Nixon in chains to the floor of the Senate when he threatened to declare martial law to stop the impeachment. Trump is threatening civil war when he looses the election, and armed goons supporting him are already threatening and causing violence. Boogaloo is the new helter-skelter. If you don't understand that reference, look up Charlie Manson. Trump followers may include the KKK, but they look good alongside the "Boogaloo Bois" and the "Proud Boys".
We tend to compare Trump to his hero Hitler, but Trump and his minions are a very second rate copy of Hitler. So far Trump has not been able to inspire the number of goons or the QUALITY of goons that Hitler did. I hope that his followers will fade away. Perhaps the "New World Order" (Novus Ordo Seclorum) dreamt of by our Founding Fathers will finally be realized following the end of the Trumpian nightmare.