In a stunning but hardly unexpected act that combines bigotry and ignorance, the aspiring fuhrer Donald Trump referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahantas", referring to the famous "princess" Pocahantas, also known as Matoaka and Lady Rebecca Rolfe. Although Senator Warren does not claim to be a descendant of Pocahantas, it would put her in very honorable group of people if she were. She actually is probably less than 1/32nd native American, possibly Cherokee.
The fact that Herr Trump used it as an intended insult at a time following his bigoted attack on the judge hearing the fraud case involving his fraudulent "Trump U" is clear evidence of his biggotry. He has bragged that, were Americans stupid enough to elect him President, he would assert unconstitutional control over the court system ( both Federal and State). He managed to bribe the AG of Florida (Pam Bondi, $25000) and Florida's own crook, Governor Scott. Admittedly, Republicans have NEVER respected the court system, but he represents such an affront to the system that most (but not all) Republican leaders have decried it.
Remember that Herr Trump has also repeatedly expressed disdain for freedom of speech, except when he is the one speaking. This is clear manifestation of his narcissistic personality disorder, particularly a control personality disorder. Such people are dangerous: recall how he bragged that he could shoot someone in the middle of Wall street and no one would do anything to him. I am sure that he actually believes this and is completely capable of doing so. When he looses the election, someone should watch him closely.
When I and others have compared him to Hitler, it is not just idle talk. Not all right-wingers want an American Hitler. I take comfort that one result of the Gun fanatics is that an attempt by the radical right wing to impose Fascism is that many gun owners would be willing to put a stop to it. The rhetoric of Trump will result in people as willing to take up arms to stop him as those willing to back him. Look at the way that violence at his rabble rousing attempts has flowed both ways.
On a number of occasions I have taken the official oath to "protect and defend the Constitution.......
against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic" I am prepared to do so. I am and always have been a gun owner, even though I favor "well regulated" gun ownership. I know people who DEFINITELY should not be allowed to own guns.
For all the rational Right-Wingers out there, I want to emphasize that the problems with Trump far transcend being right wing. You should view him as a serious threat to the right-wing, just as there are some lunatics on the far left. Remember, Timothy McVeigh was a right winger. Trump could be just as bad with little prodding. Fortunately, he would probably try to HIRE someone to perform any act of terror.
The fact that Herr Trump used it as an intended insult at a time following his bigoted attack on the judge hearing the fraud case involving his fraudulent "Trump U" is clear evidence of his biggotry. He has bragged that, were Americans stupid enough to elect him President, he would assert unconstitutional control over the court system ( both Federal and State). He managed to bribe the AG of Florida (Pam Bondi, $25000) and Florida's own crook, Governor Scott. Admittedly, Republicans have NEVER respected the court system, but he represents such an affront to the system that most (but not all) Republican leaders have decried it.
Remember that Herr Trump has also repeatedly expressed disdain for freedom of speech, except when he is the one speaking. This is clear manifestation of his narcissistic personality disorder, particularly a control personality disorder. Such people are dangerous: recall how he bragged that he could shoot someone in the middle of Wall street and no one would do anything to him. I am sure that he actually believes this and is completely capable of doing so. When he looses the election, someone should watch him closely.
When I and others have compared him to Hitler, it is not just idle talk. Not all right-wingers want an American Hitler. I take comfort that one result of the Gun fanatics is that an attempt by the radical right wing to impose Fascism is that many gun owners would be willing to put a stop to it. The rhetoric of Trump will result in people as willing to take up arms to stop him as those willing to back him. Look at the way that violence at his rabble rousing attempts has flowed both ways.
On a number of occasions I have taken the official oath to "protect and defend the Constitution.......
against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic" I am prepared to do so. I am and always have been a gun owner, even though I favor "well regulated" gun ownership. I know people who DEFINITELY should not be allowed to own guns.
For all the rational Right-Wingers out there, I want to emphasize that the problems with Trump far transcend being right wing. You should view him as a serious threat to the right-wing, just as there are some lunatics on the far left. Remember, Timothy McVeigh was a right winger. Trump could be just as bad with little prodding. Fortunately, he would probably try to HIRE someone to perform any act of terror.